Feel the fear – taking the plunge from side hustle to full time

I was inspired to start Salvia Glass, partly by Sarah and her passion for fused glass art, but partly from reading numerous articles about the rise in ‘portfolio careers’ and ‘side hustles’ in magazines.  It sounds like a great compromise – the security of a salary, pension payments, sick pay etc. but with the freedom to take charge of my own project.  It wasn’t really about making megabucks, I know how hard it can be to make a decent profit margin out of handmade crafts without selling yourself short.  But if it could cover its own costs then I could make beautiful things for others, and satisfy my need to create without dipping into my own bank account. Win win.

So this has been my side hustle for coming up to a year now.  We have had highs and lows so far, nothing can beat the feeling of a sale coming in online, or even having something favourited or a share on social media by someone you’ve never met.  But then when things go quiet for a bit I’m glad I have the ‘day job’ to focus on.

Things are about to change though.  Having been in my ‘proper job’ in Learning & Development for a Housing Association for 13 years I am about to be made redundant.  Which means this is it, time to really dedicate myself to Salvia Glass and see if we can make a success of it.  It’s a scary prospect. I’ve had a steady job for the last 18 years so going out on my own and potentially putting my family under added financial pressure is a scary prospect.  But on the other hand it is the best opportunity I will ever get to pay the bills with my redundancy for a while and be my own boss – make all the decisions, not be answerable to anyone and to do something that I really enjoy.  I’m ambitious for us, we make sales when people see our pictures and cards so my challenge it to get them in front of more people as I believe we have a product people like.

I hope you will follow my journey and as we go I’ll share what I learn in case you are in the same position.  I know plenty have people have gone before me with this so what are your top tips?  What do you wish someone had told you before you took the plunge?  Are you in the same position and want some company to cheer you on? Wish us luck!

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